It was a busy year for the Town of Petawawa. Mayor Bob Sweet says 2019 flew by with the disastrous flooding taking centre stage. He says it was incredible to see the community come together and adds all the aftermath will not be resolved until 2020. Sweet says Petawawa hosted several successful new events this year including the Pumpkin People and Butter Tart festivals along with the freedom of the town to the Royal Canadian Dragoons. Sweet says looking ahead to 2020 they hope to keep the tax rate reasonable, do as much road work as possible, push ahead with expanding Petawawa Boulevard, work on the arena floors at the Civic Centre. The mayor says he’s excited for the new hotel to open up and for other businesses to go into that same area.
Sweet says he’s proud that the town is debt free. The Petawawa mayor says they issued roughly $30-million in building permits this past year which is down slightly, however it was a record breaking year for real estate with almost 500 homes sold in the town. Sweet says they also invested $2-million into infrastructure and twinned the Algonquin Trail to separate pedestrians and motorized vehicles. The Town of Petawawa was also ranked the second safest place to live in Canada which Mayor Bob Sweet credits to the hard work of all emergency services including the OPP, firefighters and paramedics.