The County of Renfrew will continue to look for funding opportunities to improve traffic along Petawawa Boulevard. The Operations Committee met on Tuesday (January 14th) and one of the items on the agenda was the option of installing a large traffic circle or round-a-bout at the intersection of Paquette Road, Petawawa Boulevard, Menin Road and Festubert Boulevard. County staff have also proposed looking at options to improve traffic flow at the intersection of Petawawa Boulevard, Victoria Street and Portage Road and the intersection of Doran Street, Petawawa Boulevard and Mohns Avenue. Some suggestions include investigating traffic light timing and limiting left turning traffic during peak hours. Pending the 2020 budget and county council approval, the Operations Committee will commit to a preliminary design and cost estimate. Chair Tom Peckett says they won’t be able to put any funds towards this project because it doesn’t benefit the county as a whole, but he adds the Petawawa Boulevard (County Road 51) ad-hoc committee will continue to look for funding opportunities. The County of Renfrew encourages Garrison Command to pursue funding and review potential access points to the base including any additional crossing points of the Petawawa River.