Chantel Van-hoof – Director and Coach at Stars in Motion
Chantel has had the love for dancing her whole life. She began her dance training locally and successfully completed A.D.A.P.T. dance exams in Tap, Jazz and Ballet. She assisted in teaching for several years until she was ready to teach her own classes. With participation in many dance workshops for dancers and teachers throughout Ontario, she has learned many skills to pass on to her students. In July 2004 she successfully completed and graduated from the three year ADAPT Teachers Training School Program in Tap and Jazz and is now recognized as a fully qualified and certified ADAPT teacher of dance. In August 2005, she began Starz In Motion to realize the dream of creating a dance school for professional and recreational students in a friendly and fun atmosphere. Today this dance studio is a huge success and is growing every year. Chantal considers her studio and her students her biggest success story. She looks forward to this season starting up. She is also fully bilingual.