The Renfrew County Catholic District School Board is featuring a video entitled “Magic Tricks for Your Body”, which will assist parents in acclimatizing their kids to the abrupt but not unanticipated conclusion of the 2019-2020 school year.
The tricks shown are designed to lead into a parent-led discussion on COVID and the school calendar.
Themes to be stressed are: letting your child know that everyone is working together to make sure that they are safe, and that they will go back to class when it is safe to do so.
Reminding your child that they are being a hero for their community by staying home and doing their school work at home.
And that they are being a great help by doing their school work, helping to clean up after themselves and by listening to adults.
Children will embrace change if they don’t fear it, and as a parent, you can help them prepare.
Try to visualize together what school might look like in the Fall; it will help your kids prepare.