The Pembroke Marina and Riverside Park Campground will remain closed during the state of emergency and stay at home order.
It was recently announced all restrictions in Ontario would be extended until at least June 2nd, 2021.
The Pembroke Marina and Riverside Park Campground will not be opening on Victoria Day Weekend as they typically would.
No launching of boats at the Pembroke Marina will be permitted at this time and city staff will continue to follow provincial guidelines on this matter
Outdoor and indoor recreation facilities will remain closed with the exception of playgrounds, open parks and walking trails.
A physical distancing of 2 meters must be maintained, and masks or face coverings should be worn if this is not possible.
The City of Pembroke will provide any further updates on City services as they become available: online at www.pembroke.ca; on Facebook at The City of Pembroke; and on Twitter @CityPembroke.