The City of Pembroke is moving forward with plans to build four beach volleyball courts at Riverside Park.
Kerby Bentley of the newly formed Valley Sport and Social Club presented the plans to the City of Pembroke earlier this week (June 29th, 2021).
The four new beach volleyball courts would take up a 200 by 100 foot section at the west end of soccer field five.
According to the report presented to council, the courts would be a depth of 2 feet of high quality sand to allow for play inside.
The soil scraped up from the excavation would be used to create berms around the sand area to protect the sand from high winds and also provide an area for teams to sit on the grass to watch the action.
The berms would also help stop the balls from going outside of the court play area.
The courts would be paid for by Valley Sport and Social Club, under the condition they are able to run various leagues at no charge.
The city would be responsible for regular maintenance including grooming and annual touch ups with materials in the spring.
A request for an electrical source to play music while games are underway has also been approved.
When there is no scheduled programming such as league games and tournaments underway, various groups and individuals could use the volleyball courts.
League usage would primarily be from from May to August starting at 5:30pm until about 10:00pm.
Weekends in August would also be reserved for season-end tournaments
The city will continue discussions with the Valley Sport and Social Club with a final draft to return before council at a later date.