Roughly 16,500 eligible residents in Renfrew County and District have not received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
Local residents are encouraged to take advantage of COVID-19 vaccine appointments as soon as possible, as mass immunization clinics will be decreasing in number and frequency over the next month.
As of 8:00am on August 7th, the Renfrew County and District Health Unit (RCDHU) says 139,387 doses of a COVID-19 vaccine have been administered through one of several COVID-19 vaccination clinics.
The RCDHU says 82.1% of residents (aged 12+, including Canadian Armed Forces Members) have received at least 1 dose (74.6% have received 2 doses).
On Friday (August 13th, 2021), a COVID-19 pop-up clinic will be held at the Bogie General Store on Calabogie Road from 3:00pm to 6:00pm.
Next week vaccination clinics will be at Ma-te-way in Renfrew (Monday, August 16th from 4:00pm to 7:00 pm), the Palmer Rapids Community Centre (Wednesday August 18th from 4:00pm to 6:00pm) and the Beachburg Arena (Friday, August 20th from 1:00m to 4:00pm).
Suggestions on where the next pop-up vaccine clinic should take place can be sent to: contact@rcdhu.com.