New businesses are looking to come to the Township of Laurentian Valley.
A zoning by-law amendment was filed on behalf of the land owners for the Laurentian Valley Plaza, previously referred to as the Pembroke Valley Market Center. A portion of land at 6 Robinson Lane needs to be rezoned from residential to commercial to allow for development. Township Planner Lauree Armstrong told council the home on the property will be demolished and removed. The rest of the property is already zoned highway commercial. The property is located at the corner of Highway 148 (Pembroke Street West) and Robinson Lane, across the road from the Tim Horton’s and the Laurentian Square which includes Winners, Sport Check and Michael’s.
An update was provided to council by Jp2g Consultants during a public meeting on Tuesday night (April 19th, 2022). The consultants indicated a site plan is expected to come before council later in May with construction likely to begin later this summer and final details are being reviewed by the client.
Preliminary details presented to council show a fast food eating restaurant with a drive-thru and two additional spaces for future tenants. The listing online says the property would be ideal for retail and medical uses with possession slated for late 2022. There has been no indication as to what the new fast food restaurant will be.
(written by: Rudy Kadlec)