Pembroke city council has approved a recommendation to turn a section of Fraser Street into a one-way street. In a report from the Operations Department, the section of the road that is between Pembroke Street East and Esther Street is narrow with utility poles immediately
adjacent to the driving lane, a raised sidewalk along one side of the road is also in bad shape. After a survey was done at the end of 2021, 55 percent of respondents either strongly supported or supported Fraser Street becoming a one-way street. There would be no vehicular access onto Pembroke Street East from Fraser Street. This year, council has set aside $186,000 to fix up the road until a full reconstruction of the road can be done around 2027.
City staff are aware of the deteriorating road and sidewalk conditions on Fraser Street, and it is on the City’s Multi Year Capital Forecast for a full underground infrastructure replacement as most of the underground infrastructure has been in place for over 70 years. The construction for replacement is not planned to commence prior to 2027.
A summary of the results of the questionnaire are detailed below:
• 128 questionnaires were hand delivered to the properties along the affected route.• The questionnaire had 74 responders, most of whom stated they travel this section
on a daily basis.
• In analysis of the 74 responses received, 55% of respondents either strongly
supported or supported Fraser Street becoming a one-way street.
• Of the 74 responses received, 24 were residents living on Fraser Street, Estelle
Street or Martin Street (the area directly affected should this become a one-way
• 58% of those respondents living in the area directly affected either strongly supported
or supported a one-way street.
The percentages provided above have been weighted during staff’s analysis including for
items like; no inclusion of name or address, respondent being indifferent to the outcome,
The local OPP detachment was consulted, and they have no concerns with Fraser Street being designated a one-way street.