The Water and Dirt Festival is gearing up for a second weekend of events in Renfrew County. Event organizer Colin Coyle says last weekend was a huge success with a skateboard competition, races at the Forest Lea Trails and the Upper Ottawa River Race with over 120 participants.
Coyle says the hot and humid weather last weekend didn’t deter people from taking part.
This weekend will feature a triathlon in Petawawa, a bike park competition and the doggy paddle in support of the OSPCA Renfrew County Animal Centre.
Coyle says they’ve had great support for the first ever Water and Dirt Festival and adds they’re already getting people asking about dates for next year.
Those who aren’t competing in the weekend events are also invited to enjoy some musical entertainment, a meal and a bonfire at the Petawawa Point Beach on Saturday, August 13th.
(written by: Rudy Kadlec)