Born and raised in Pembroke, Jason Blaine moved to Nashville in the fall of 2006 with his wife Amy and their three-month-old baby girl. He burst onto the scene in a big way in 2007 with his first #1 hit single “Rock In My Boot” which led to multiple CCMA nominations and paved the way for a string of hit singles and major festival appearances across the country. As a way to give back to the community that welcomes him with open arms every chance we get, Jason, with the help of local volunteers and businesses, created the Jason Blaine Celebrity Golf Classic. Over the past 9 years, fellow artists and hockey legends ranging from Dallas Smith, Tim Hicks, and Gord Bamford, to Doug Gilmour and Bryan Murray have all contributed to helping raise over $735,57 for various hometown charities in Pembroke.
The Jason Blaine Celebrity Charity Golf Classic is an annual golf & private concert event in Pembroke. The event benefits local community charities with over 40 benefactors to date. The event features performances and appearances from celebrities from the world of music & sports as well as a live auction and a chance to golf and hang with your favourite celeb.
For more details on the 9th annual Jason Blaine Celebrity Charity Golf Classic – Click Here
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