There’s more news out of EORN and its mission to close off the cell gaps.
On Tuesday (June 13th) the Eastern Ontario Regional Network (EORN), the Ontario Ministry of Infrastructure, Infrastructure Canada and Rogers Communications announced that Rogers 5G mobile services are now available in nine eastern Ontario communities, including Glasgow Station to Highway 17 in Renfrew County, and along Highway 7 Maberly, in Lanark.
In total, the announcement encompasses nine new wireless sites and upgrades to 37 existing sites, making Rogers 5G service now available for the first time in seven underserved areas encompassing four counties and one single-tier municipality.
The additional locations are noted on our website:
Ontario County Highway 2 from Belleville to Shannonville
Southern areas of Sandbanks Provincial Park
Healey Falls to Campbellford South in Northumberland County
Archer’s Road to County Road 2 in Northumberland County
Bridgenorth in Peterborough County
Camp Kawartha in Peterborough County
Demorestville in Prince Edward County
The progress report card indicates 13 new wireless sites are in-service with upgrades completed on 297 existing sites. The objective is to see more than 330 new wireless sites in service and upgrades to over 300 existing sites with 5G by 2025.
By Rick Stow