Caution is advised along Garrison Petawawa beaches
May 17, 2024 – Petawawa, Ontario – National Defence/Canadian Armed Forces
Boaters on the Ottawa River are reminded of the possibility of encountering Unexploded Explosive Ordnance (UXO) along the Ottawa River beaches and shorelines.
For your safety, please obey all signage and buoys along the Garrison Petawawa bank of the Ottawa River from Black Point to Black Bear Beach. Do not enter any areas that are indicated as off limits.
The combination of the limitations of even the most advanced UXO detection technologies, sandy beaches, fluctuating water levels, and the constant flow of the river mean there can never be absolute certainty that all UXO hazards have been detected and removed.
If you find something that could be an unexploded device:
1. Don’t touch it! If disturbed, some UXO can explode causing death or injury.
2. Remember the location, mark it if possible, and leave the area the same way you came.
3. Call 911 or Garrison Petawawa’s Military Police at 613-687-5555 immediately to report what you found.
Verbatim Release