Construction work on Boundary Road and Bennett Street is progressing, with the watermain and roadway construction at their intersection set to finish by the end of August. Paving operations in the intersection and on Bennett Street are scheduled for the first week of September, with the roads expected to reopen to traffic by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, September 6, 2024. However, this timeline is weather-dependent, as favorable conditions are needed to complete the surface work.
Additional watermain installations and roadway restoration on Boundary Road, between Paul Martin Drive and Bennett Street, will continue into late September. This work will involve lane closures, allowing traffic to pass through with the assistance of traffic control personnel. Short-term road closures may also be necessary to accommodate paving and the use of large construction equipment. Updates will be provided as the project progresses.
Detours will remain in place until September 6, 2024, and may extend into later September for portions of the project. The City of Pembroke urges drivers to respect posted construction signs and recommends using alternate routes when possible. Businesses within the construction and detour zones, as well as those along Boundary Road East and Bennett Street, remain open and ready to serve customers.
The City of Pembroke thanks the public, nearby property owners, and businesses on Boundary Road, Bennett Street, and along detour routes for their patience as the city works to improve its infrastructure.
(Written by: Emma Butler)