Santa welcomes visitors to last year's Cobden Farmers' Market Christmas Barn. (Cobden Farmers' Market photo)
It’s a pandemic innovation that has grown into a treasured annual holiday event.
The Cobden Farmers’ Market Christmas Barn is in its fifth year and once again, shoppers are welcome to come by the market building in the fairgrounds each weekend to shop from a wide variety of talented local vendors.
Patricia Van Gelder, president of the Cobden Farmers’ Market, explains that the Christmas Barn began when there were restrictions on how many people could gather at a time.
Shoppers have the freedom to browse and take time to make selections and then pay for their purchases at a central cash.
The idea was so popular that the Christmas Barn just continued and grew even as pandemic restrictions were lifted.
The range of products runs the gamut – from baking, preserves, and knitting to woodwork, homemade soaps, jewelry and more.
Something else that’s unique about this sale, says Van Gelder, is that all products are homemade.
Why does Van Gelder think the Christmas Barn has been such a success?
The Christmas Barn at the Cobden Fairgrounds Market Building runs every Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., from now until the Grand Finale event Dec. 6-8. Find more information on the Cobden Farmers’ Market Facebook page.
(Written by Sherry Haaima)