Marie Wilson, one of three commissioners who led Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, will be speaking at Algonquin College’s Pembroke campus on Thursday, November 28. Wilson, the only woman and Non-Indigenous person on the commission will share her experiences and insights from the historic commission that documented the impacts of residential schools. The event will begin at 7 p.m. and is open to the public, with an option to attend online via Zoom.
Wilson’s new book, North of Nowhere, offers a personal and profound account of her time as a commissioner. The book details her years of listening to survivor testimonies and provides a unique perspective on the enduring legacy of residential schools. Wilson’s talk will highlight the importance of reconciliation, emphasizing it as a gift and not an obligation.
Wilson has spent six years traveling across Canada as part of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. She has spoken internationally about the importance of reconciliation and healing, drawing on her own experiences and connections with residential school survivors. Don’t miss this chance to hear from a key figure in Canada’s journey toward healing and reconciliation.
(Written by: Emma Butler)