The Outdoor Adventure Program offered at Algonquin College has allowed one student to pursue his dreams and goals. Hiren Gada is in his second year in the program and hails from India with an Accountant Degree but wants to find his dream job involving the outdoors. He found out that Algonquin College offers the program he wanted and decided to move here to accomplish his education goal.
Gada tells myFM that they are putting on a movie screening and workshop to raise funds for their school exhibition trip that they will be doing in their last semester. Gada goes into detail about the Chaos Glacier Country Film which will be happening tomorrow from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the gym at Algonquin College’s Pembroke Campus.
He tells myFM why this fundraiser is important to him as a student, he also shares where his group will be traveling too.
The Outdoor Adventure Program offers many learning skills for being in the wilderness, but also some fun activities as well. Gada tells myFM that they get to learn how to ski, snowboard, and snowshoe in the winter months, and in the summer they learn about white water rafting and so much more. Gada explains how this movie screening and workshop can help future students learn about what this program has to offer.
It only costs $5 a ticket and there will be food and drinks offered with a cash bar also available.
(Written by: Emma Butler)