The next term of Pembroke city council has officially been sworn in. New Mayor Ron Gervais took the oath of office followed by Deputy Mayor Brian Abdallah and councilors Andrew Plummer, Ed Jacyno, Pat Lafreniere, Ian Kuehl and Troy Purcell. Kuehl tells myFM news that he’s excited to get started.
Another newcomer, Troy Purcell also tells myFM it’s an honor to serve the community.
Kuehl also mentions that attracting doctors is a key priority.
Purcell says he’s looking forward to getting a new pool built.
The new council will hold its first meeting on December 13th at city hall. Below is the breakdown of votes.
For the Office of Mayor
Gervais, Ron – Acclaimed
For the Office of Councillor
Abdallah, Brian – 2,238 Votes -Elected
Breckon, Chela – 808 Votes
Callaghan, Dan – 1,073 Votes
Clark, Andrew (Andy) – 457 Votes
Jacyno, Ed – 1,433 Votes -Elected
Kuehl, Ian – 1,935 Votes -Elected
Lafreniere, Patricia (Pat) – 1,800 Votes -Elected
Laronde, Jason – 480 Votes
Pearce, Dorian – 1,006 Votes
Plummer, Andrew – 1,855 Votes -Elected
Purcell, Troy – 1,146 Votes -Elected
Taylor, Stacy – 1,089 Votes
Wallace, Wade – 338 Votes
Walsh, Karen – 658 Votes
Wood, Jane – 882 Votes
(Written by: Kyle Robinson)