Photo Credit: bonnecherecaves.com
The Township of Bonnechere Valley is looking to implement a strategic plan focusing on tourism.
Bonnechere Valley started the process of developing a strategic tourism plan late in 2021 and after securing funding from the Government of Canada, retained the services of Brain Trust to develop the plan in March of 2022. Richard Innes of Brain Trust presented the findings of the Bonnechere Valley Tourism Strategy to council on January 10th, 2023. Innes is hopeful that those who live and work in Bonnechere Valley will rally behind this collaborative and forward-thinking tourism development strategy to enhance the health, well being and long-term sustainability of the community they call home. Innes says the goal of the tourism strategy is to responsibly grow the economy of Bonnechere Valley by enhancing its attractiveness, appeal, and competitiveness.
The report suggests Bonnechere Valley establish a strategic tourism plan in the first year, enhance the plan in the second year and emerge in the third year by refreshing the plan based on progress made. The three year strategic tourism plan is a comprehensive 25 page report and is available online as part of the committee package. The report highlights a series of priorities and recommendations to help guide tourism development for Bonnechere Valley over the next three years. The tourism strategy indicates enhancements made at McRae Park, the Geological Trail development, the fishing dock’s construction and establishment of the Indigenous Truth and Reconciliation Garden are significant in terms of adding to the appeal of the community. The report does indicate that the appearance of downtown Eganville must be improved to help boost tourism.
Councillor Brent Patrick says the plan will be brought before the next council meeting on February 7th and Mayor Jennifer Murphy suggested sharing the document with the Eganville & Area Community Development Group and the museum to see if they have any comments.
Recommendations from the 3-year Strategic Tourism Plan
- Develop and launch a communications plan
- Partner with neighbour municipalities
- Consider additional branding in the Township name. Ex. Bonnechere Valley – Eganville & Area
- Develop “Bonnechere Valley – Eganville and Area” promotional materials
- Initiate a downtown Eganville revitalization initiative
- Extend length of visitation through visitor experiences
- Take proactive steps to market the reasons to visit
- Develop new curated visitor experiences connected to destination themes and four-season events
- Create legendary experiences
- Address the limited availability for overnight accommodations
Visitor Touchpoints
Valley Heritage, Arts, Culture – Underdeveloped, Underperforming Experiences
- BV Museum
- Walking Tours
- Artisan Galleries
- Authors Festival
- Union Public Library
- Music in the Park
- Farmers Market
- Other Events
Valley Geology – Developed, Underdeveloped, Underperforming Experiences
- Bonnechere Caves
- GEO Trail
- Museum
- GEO Walks
- McRae Park
Bonnechere River – Underdeveloped Experiences
- Paddling
- Fishing
- Swimming
- Beach
- Parks
- Lookouts
- Picnic Areas
- On/Off River Events
(written by: Rudy Kadlec)