For the last 25 year, Carrie has been a staple in the child care department with Petawawa Military Family Resource Centre. What started out as an entry level position after her husband was posted to Petawawa in the military, has turned into a long and successful career. Lapierre says she didn’t really know what she wanted to do when she and her husband arrived in the Ottawa Valley. She started as a volunteer with the PMFRC. It was that time where she found out how much she enjoyed being in causal care. Carrie tells myFM that her favorite part of the her job is providing a space that is fun and safe for children to come. In the care of the PMFRC, she knows that parents don’t have to worry. Carrie goes on to say that the Petawawa Military Family Resource Centre always puts military families, that go far beyond just child care. She says that as an organization, they know what their values are and they are striving to go towards it.