A look back into the 2023 year at the Pembroke Regional Hospital. They faced many challenges in dealing with COVID and having to recover from the pandemic staffing issues and physician recruiting. Sabine Mersmannthe CEO at the PRH tells myFM how the hospital faced these issues and came up with solutions.
The PRH have prepared itself for 2024 by looking back into last year and what needed to be improved. Mersmann says that many hospitals across Ontario are facing long wait times in emerge and that there needs to be a better solution to solve it.
This has been an issue that many hospitals are facing, which leaves them looking for solutions to help out patients and to lower wait times in the emergency departments.
A 2024 year look ahead into the hospital, which will be bringing new renovations, new systems, and more. They have created a new system to deliver medications to their patients which will be starting next month. Mersmann explains more about what the future holds for the hospital.
They are excited to see what this year has to offer, as they look back on last year to fix and learn from what took place in 2023.
(Written By: Emma Butler)