A committee of over 30 individuals from the non-profit, private, and public sectors has been working together to address substance use harms in Renfrew County and District. The team is responding to Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Kieran Moore’s call for collaboration across communities, governments, and healthcare sectors to tackle substance use issues.
In 2024, the Renfrew County and District Drug Strategy (RCDDS) Steering Committee celebrated several achievements made possible by collective action. The County of Renfrew launched the Mesa program, providing compassionate care to individuals facing homelessness, addiction, and mental health challenges. In addition, the Renfrew County Mobile Substance Use Service was awarded $1.8 million in funding from Health Canada’s Substance Use and Addictions Program. This initiative will expand Mesa’s reach, offering harm reduction services, substance use case management, housing support, opioid agonist therapy, wound care, and virtual consultations. The service will be staffed by a diverse team, including paramedics, social workers, peer support workers, and Elders/Traditional Knowledge Keepers.
The committee also submitted a proposal for the creation of a Homelessness and Addictions Recovery Treatment Hub, which would enhance local resources for addiction treatment and supportive housing for individuals with complex needs. Another major initiative was the expansion of the Ontario Take-Home Naloxone Program, which doubled the number of distribution partners and significantly increased outreach to rural areas. The availability of naloxone kits and training in their use has proven vital in reversing opioid overdoses and saving lives.
In addition, two social media campaigns were launched to raise awareness. One focused on reducing stigma surrounding substance use and encouraging compassion for those affected, while the other promoted the Brave App, a tool that connects individuals using drugs with remote supervision and overdose support while maintaining privacy.
Looking ahead, the RCDDS will release a report early this year outlining strategic priorities across prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and community safety. The report will be informed by community consultation through a survey. Drug-related harm indicators are regularly updated on the Renfrew County and District Health Unit’s Substance Use-Related Harms Dashboard.
For more information on the Renfrew County and District Drug Strategy, visit www.rcdhu.com/rcdd.
(Written by: Emma Butler)