The Upper Ottawa Valley Parish Nursing Initiative(UOVPNI) based in northeastern Ontario, offers a unique vision and model that holds significant potential to address a wide range of health concerns within the local population.
Tina Cote, Minister at Calvin United Church in Pembroke is one of the founders of the initiative which aims to help those in need of health care navigate the numerous barriers to such care here in the Ottawa Valley. Focusing primarily on seniors, this pilot program which is in its third of three years aims to bridge the gap between those with health care needs and the various organizations who provide such care.
Residents in this area face severe physician shortages and numerous barriers to accessing healthcare resources, influenced by geographical, economic, and social factors. The absence of medical drop-in clinics further strains the healthcare system, limiting access to essential services.
Cote makes sure to point out that the initiative is there to augment existing service and not as a replacement solution:
The project’s launch followed extensive consultations with parish nurses and local health agencies to assess its potential and direction. The focus became twofold: collaborating with local agencies to enhance under-resourced wellness initiatives and providing direct nursing care to faith community members. This initiative responds to the United Church of Canada’s call for bold discipleship and holistic healing communities.
Cote goes on to say that a big part of what they can offer is a a means of disseminating information for many Valley residents who do not have a reliable internet connection to keep them informed.
A series of upcoming workshops are being offered by the UOVPNI in partnership with the Robbie Dean Family Counseling Centre all of which will shed better light on some of the main challenges felt by local residents who are in need of additional support in the region. For more information on the workshops and how to register you can email at or go to their Facebook page.
(Written By: Richard Evans)