To better serve its diverse patient population, Pembroke Regional Hospital is now offering the Voyce Translation System. This new service helps patients access health care in their preferred language, ensuring more effective communication between patients and their care teams.
Voyce is a 24/7, on-demand translation service with over 2,000 professional interpreters who speak more than 240 languages, including American Sign Language (ASL). The service connects patients with interpreters via video or audio calls in under 30 seconds, improving communication during medical visits.
“Ensuring our patients receive care in the language they understand is crucial for safe and effective treatment,” said Sabine Mersmann, President and CEO of Pembroke Regional Hospital. “Voyce helps us bridge language gaps, making patients feel understood and supported, especially during stressful or vulnerable times.”
Mersmann emphasized that language barriers can create challenges in expressing symptoms, understanding medical terminology, and following care plans. By using Voyce, patients can better understand their medical conditions, treatment options, and care instructions, ultimately improving their outcomes and overall experience.
In addition to the Voyce service, the hospital also offers multilingual staff and physicians who can assist with translation when needed. While Voyce can’t replace in-person interactions, it provides another valuable resource to improve the patient experience.
“During times of illness and concern, we hope that offering care in the patient’s preferred language brings comfort and reassurance,” Mersmann added.
The Voyce Translation Service is available hospital-wide and can be requested by patients and their families at any time during their visit.
(Written by: Emma Butler)