The Upper Ottawa Valley Aces Conditioning Schedule began this week, and continues through the end of this month.
There are currently no formal practises or games scheduled.
Minor and Major Atom Conditioning resumes Saturday at Pem Ice 11 from 1-2:30PM, then shifts to Cobden for sessions September 15th, 18th, 20th, and 22nd as well as the evening of Wednesday September 30th.
There’s also a Saturday afternoon session at the PACC on September 26th.
Minor and Major Peewee programs operate at the PACC, as well as Cobden- with one date in Renfrew, Wednesday September 16th. Pembroke dates are September 12th, 23rd and 30th.Cobden sessions go September 15th, 19th, 25th and 29th.
The Aces Minor and Major Bantam locations are Renfrew and Pembroke, with one event the evening of September 29th in Cobden. The conditioning program will be in Renfrew Saturday evening September 12th and again Tuesday the 15th. It’s at the PACC September 19th, 23rd and 26th.
Minor and Major Midget Aces conditioning is this Sunday evening in Renfrew- as well as September 20th.
Midget conditioning takes place at the PACC on September 16th and 19th; and in Cobden September 22nd and 29th.
Times and details can be found on the Upper Ottawa Valley Aces website.