The former home of the Sisters of St. Joseph’s is set to become a new affordable housing for the City of Pembroke. In a report to council, the new owners of the building would like to convert the interior of the existing building to create an apartment building with 65 dwelling units. No addition to the building is proposed.
The units would include bachelor, one bedroom and two bedroom spaces. The pool that was in the building has since been taken out to allow for housing, however there is the potential for a multi function room. At this point, the cost to rent any of the units once construction is complete has not been determined.
The property owner of 19 and 21 Riverside Drive called with concerns about possible future development of the property. She was concerned about number of dwelling units on the property. The Planning Technician sent her an email indicating if the rezoning and Official Plan amendment is approved, this would only allow the 65-unit apartment building. Any other development on the property would require a further rezoning and she would once again be notified as she is located within the 120 metre notification radius.
Under the City of Pembroke’s official plan, the property meets the lot area, lot frontage, front yard depth, interior side yard depth, rear yard depth, landscaped open space and lot depth requirements.